Saturday, May 17, 2008


This week hasn't been the best for me I must admit. Work has been a bit hectic and I've worked back quite a bit and I've just been feeling really blurgh. On Tuesday I felt quite nauseous and by Wednesday I was getting home from work and only managing to stay awake for an hour or two before I fell asleep. In all in apart from squash on Monday night I haven't actually gone to the gym this week. I've just not felt up to it.

Having said that I've still lost a little weight. At my weigh in today I was 82.3kgs so I was pretty happy. I've not been as religious this week with my food, I think I've had chocolate every day! Damn chocolate addiction...but I'm working on that. I actually feel more motivated to watch what shit I'm cramming into my mouth when I'm exercising lots so hopefully next week I'll be feeling better and will be going to the gym every day.

I've only got three more weeks of full time work now and I'm really looking forward to being able to go to the gym during the day. The hardest part about it at the moment it going after work, especially if that work day has been crappy. I'll be starting late on the days I am working so I can go to the gym in the morning beforehand and then on the other days that I have off I can go whenever. I'm also looking forward to not having to cram everything into one weekend so I should have more time to go when the opening hours are shorter on the Sat and Sun.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now guys. See you next week :)


Shawna said...

Sounds like you're still working hard--keep it up! Also remember that it's okay (really!) to have chocolate. You just have to set a limit for yourself. For instance, I used to drink a liter of Mt. Dew a day, and now I only drink one or maybe two a week. If you try to completely cut out treats or your favorite foods, you will be more likely to give up on the diet, whereas if you just limit yourself, you can use it as your reward after a workout or at the end of the week.
I know you can reach your goals!

Hieronymous Anonymous said...

Good work, hon! I'm still impressed you managed to lose on what seems to have been a tough week.
You're right - it is so much harder to go to the gym (or in my case, an exercise class) after work - you're already tired and quite possibly grumpy. And, as Shawna says (that's the second time today I've said that in a comment on one of your blogs lol), remember that you can have a bit of treats. You'll go crazy (crazier ;-) ) otherwise.

LaMa said...

I agree with Shawna: setting limits is probably better than totally banning foodstuff like chocolate. Keep up girlie!