Saturday, May 17, 2008


This week hasn't been the best for me I must admit. Work has been a bit hectic and I've worked back quite a bit and I've just been feeling really blurgh. On Tuesday I felt quite nauseous and by Wednesday I was getting home from work and only managing to stay awake for an hour or two before I fell asleep. In all in apart from squash on Monday night I haven't actually gone to the gym this week. I've just not felt up to it.

Having said that I've still lost a little weight. At my weigh in today I was 82.3kgs so I was pretty happy. I've not been as religious this week with my food, I think I've had chocolate every day! Damn chocolate addiction...but I'm working on that. I actually feel more motivated to watch what shit I'm cramming into my mouth when I'm exercising lots so hopefully next week I'll be feeling better and will be going to the gym every day.

I've only got three more weeks of full time work now and I'm really looking forward to being able to go to the gym during the day. The hardest part about it at the moment it going after work, especially if that work day has been crappy. I'll be starting late on the days I am working so I can go to the gym in the morning beforehand and then on the other days that I have off I can go whenever. I'm also looking forward to not having to cram everything into one weekend so I should have more time to go when the opening hours are shorter on the Sat and Sun.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now guys. See you next week :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nettie is a good girl

So I've gotten through the first week (well, five days but you know, who's counting) and I'm very proud of myself so far. I've been such a good girl! Apart from a cupcake at morning tea on Friday at work, I've only eaten nice healthy food and I've gone to the gym everyday. I've even forced myself to start eating a wider range of vegies and that's a huge challenge for me. The only vegies that I've ever really enjoyed are potato, carrot, peas and corn and really, that's not a huge selection. The last time I did this whole eating healthier thing I forced myself to start eating salad (I used to be of the opinion that salad belonged in a sandwich) and now I quite enjoy eating 'rabbit' food on a regular basis. So I figured that it was time again to expand my horizons.

On Thursday we had steak and vegies for dinner. On my plate were 8 kinds of vegies and I made sure I ate them all. I had a mix of mashed potato and sweet potato (I'm trying to ween myself off normal spuds), my regular carrot, peas and corn and I also had beans and broccoli. The broccoli was the hardest of all to finish since I've always hated it. The taste is ok but the texture makes me want to vomit. But I forced myself on and dinner turned out to be a spew-free affair. Lastly I had four pieces of garlic (yum!) plus an argument with Christian as to whether or not garlic is a vegetable. I say it is, he insists it's a herb and in the end I put my foot down and said who cares if it's a herb or vegie, it's healthy and I ate it.

So that has made me rather proud of myself but the other thing that I'm really proud of it the fact that at work I'm being really good. Fridays are always the hardest at work because it's morning tea day but there's so much food that it should be called 'graze for 9 hours on junk' day. If it's right in front of me I just shovel it in like everyone else and then find it hard to stop. I knew it would be hard so I allowed myself the treat and had a cupcake and then made myself stop after that. So that felt really good that I managed that!
Also I've really cut back on the amount of coke zero I've been drinking. It might not have any calories in it but something that colour really can't be good for you and I've been having at least a can a day, sometimes more. I've gone all week and only had one can and since I'm sure I'm actually addicted to the stuff that was a huge accomplishment.

I decided to make Saturday my weigh in day since that's the day I used before for that purpose and it fit in really well. I was actually really looking forward to weighing myself this morning because I know I've been so good and wanted to see the results. So I jumped on the scales and almost died when it showed 82.9kgs. Since I was 85.2 on Monday I was a bit worried that I had lost too much in the first week. I know it can't be fluid because I've been having at least two litres of water a day, usually more. The only thing I can think of is that because my period started during the week, when I weighed myself on Monday I may have been a bit bloated and weighed more than I actually did. Did that make sense? I'm sure to the girls it does. I know I usually weigh a kilo or more heavier when Aunt Irma's about. So hopefully that's just the reason.

I'm sure it'll be clear next Saturday when I jump on the scales again. If I've lost more then I'm sure it was the whole time of the month thing but if I'm just as good as last week but haven't lost any then I guess I'll have to put it down to having lost fluid. But we'll wait and see.
All in all I'm feeling rather motivated now and just hope I can keep it up in the following weeks. I know the first couple of weeks are always the easiest and it will get harder but I'm positive I'm going to stick to it!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Challenge Begins

Right, well those of you who read my other blog are probably aware that about a year ago I lost quite a bit of weight (13 kg). Well, it kind of came to a screeching halt about six months ago and since then I've actually put back on 3 of those kilos, which is a tad annoying to say the least.
It's all my own fault of course, don't get me wrong, I take full responsibility, but I have found it harder and harder to stay motivated.

I actually started this blog earlier on today before our second Concept appointment as i knew I had to get my butt moving again in the right direction. For those of you who don't know, Christian and I have been trying to have a baby for the past three years but with not much luck. We've just been for all our testing and what not and this was Judgement Day.
I knew I supposed to have lost more weight by this appointment but as I said, motivation was low and with all the other shit going on with my job and what have you, it really hadn't been at the forefront of my priorities lately.

So we head off to our appointment and we're told that all the results are back and all of them are fine (for me anyway). The doctor however is a bit concerned that both my sisters have endometriosis and it is known to run in families and so wants to have me tested. The only conclusive test however is an operation called a laparoscopy where they cut me open, thrust in a camera and some dye and see if any of my little tubes are blocked or not.

Now here comes the kicker. The treatment if I do have endometriosis is only given to people who are in the healthy weight range. And it's screamingly obvious that I'm not. So they won't do the operation until I've lost the weight since there's no point doing the op just to say afterwards 'Oh well, sorry but now we can't treat you.'

Any how, so it all kind of reinforced the fact that I need this blog more than ever. I have trouble staying positive and even though Christian is supportive, he's not over active about it. He'll get all annoyed at me when I moan and say that I can do it, I just don't because I don't think I can but really, that's not the kind of support I need.

That's where you guys come in! I know there's a few of us from the MoH that have always stuck by each other and given moral support across the oceans and I'm hoping that you'll all be angels and help me out this time. I'm also hoping that by going 'public' if you will, along with yucky before photos I'll have a little extra motivation to stick with it.

So I'm going to give it a try, who'll come along for the ride with me?

Love you guys

The beginning, May 5th, 2008.

Starting weight : 85.2 kg

Goal : Lose 9 kg by September

Here's some before shots. I'll take more each month and hopefully we'll see a difference soon!